The Christmas Edition

It’s time again for Lalmba’s annual Christmas gift. This year’s unique item is sure to be a conversation starter. Just look at the delicately hand-carved handle on this “Made in Kenya” bottle opener. We have elephants, rhinos, and lions – three of the Big Five animals available for your holiday celebrations. Here are just a few ideas to help jump start that conversation about Africa and your favorite charity, Lalmba, while popping a bottle of suds with your unique bottle opener. A perfect tool to regale that aloof neighbor who’s just hard to talk to!

1. Did you know that “rhinoceros” literally means “nose horn?” Speaking of horns, did you know that Lalmba’s projects are located in the Horn of Africa?

2. Did you know that in Africa they can make paper out of elephant poop? Speaking of poop, did you know that Lalmba makes latrine slabs for poor farmers to help them establish better hygiene practices in their communities?

3. Did you know that male lions are the first in the pride to eat, yet the females do the hunting?  Speaking of strong females, did you know that Lalmba has a microloan program specifically to empower single mothers to start a small business and become self-reliant?

Isn’t it amazing that almost every conversation can be a springboard to discuss Lalmba’s work serving the poor? Here’s one more for you:  Did you know that every $100 donation allows Lalmba to send 4 children to school for an entire year? It also pays for their health care, and provides supplemental food for some hungry families.  $100 is an empowering amount of money where we work. For your donation, you also get this very special bottle (and conversation) opener.  And it makes a great gift!




This little girl came into our severe acute malnutrition ward in Ethiopia in February.  2 weeks later, after intensive inpatient feeding treatment and cooking classes for her family, there she is smiling in her mother’s arms. Over 200 children receive this dramatic and life-saving care from Lalmba every year.  Is there anything more beautiful than that?


11 extra students at Lalmba Kenya received scholarships to go onto secondary school this year (the 11th one is behind the camera).  With our tight budget we typically only support students through the 8th grade, with limited further scholarships for exceptional students. But this year we heard that these 11 particularly bright students longed for the chance to attend high school as well.   So we committed to $250/year for each of them. Congratulations!  Work hard and may you help your community shine!


Great excitement surrounded the official opening of the computer learning center for the orphans we support in Kenya!  We have 4 laptops so far, and the students sign up and wait for their turn at the computer.  The offline educational resources that include English, math and science tutorials as well as novels, encyclopedias and picture books provide our students with both educational enrichment and exposure to technology.  For most this is their first time working on a computer!

It costs $25 per year to send a child to primary school

Our home for mothers waiting to deliver at our health center in Ethiopia is almost complete!  In an effort to reduce infant and maternal mortality, institutions in Ethiopia are constructing homes for mothers who live many hours’ walk from any health facility.  Mothers can come to stay just before their due date to ensure they will deliver safely at our health center instead of at home.  This laudable initiative is already saving the lives of mothers and babies throughout Ethiopia.

Learn more about our efforts to reduce infant and maternal mortality


Jeff & Hillary JamesThe Christmas Edition