Lalmba Kenya

Lalmba’s largest operation is on the shores of Lake Victoria in south western Kenya. Malaria is the most common cause of death for children under 5 years of age. Official estimates report that 24% of the population has HIV.

On The Shores Of Lake Victoria

There Are Children Everywhere

And Amazing People

And Yet There Is Hunger, HIV, and Poverty

Matoso is a close-knit community located on the shores of Lake Victoria in Migori County, Kenya. The town’s layout consists of a main road flanked by a variety of shops and businesses, each contributing to the local economy. The shops vary in age and condition, ranging from some new establishments to many older buildings that bear the signs of wear and tear. The primary source of income and economy in the region comes from fishing. Among the array of other services provided are seamstresses, general stores, barbers, hair stylists, bars, restaurants, and grain mills.

These businesses, while modest, are characteristic of rural and economically challenged regions in Kenya. The town’s main road provides a central thoroughfare, and the lower road and footpaths offer additional access points, winding through rows of buildings. It’s important to note that the lower road experienced significant changes due to a flood a few years ago, resulting in the loss of structures near the lake. The roads and footpaths can be challenging to navigate due to their rough conditions, scattered with rocks, rubble, and litter.

Despite the physical challenges, the community’s spirit is welcoming and warm. Residents of Matoso are known for their friendliness and practice of greeting visitors as they traverse the area.

Matoso Clinic

The Matoso Clinic serves between 100 and 200 outpatients a day and provides 24/7 emergency medical services. This clinic treats everything from snake bites to malaria to dysentery. The HIV treatment center provides HIV-related medical care to over 800 HIV/AIDS patients. Lalmba’s clinics emphasize testing, counseling and treatment, and anti-retroviral drugs are given as needed.

Ochuna Dispensory

Lalmba's Ochuna Dispensary, in an even more remote region farther from the lake and close to the Tanzanian boarder.With even fewer resources for survival, provides basic medical services to 60 patients each day. Many of these patients have walked for hours from Tanzania to receive treatment.

Lalmba Kenya Children's Programs

Our Reaching Children At Risk (RCAR) program ensures that the most vulnerable children receive an education despite their poverty. Our RCAR program in Kenya supports over 1000 children who live with a guardian from the community, usually a grandmother, who could not afford to take them in otherwise. In exchange for sending the children to school, the family receives the child’s school fees, school uniforms and some supplementary staples. This method ensures the most vulnerable children are educated and provided for.

The Ongoro Children’s Home provides complete care for up to 40 of the most desperate orphans. These children have no relative or neighbor willing to house them.

In partnership with Lalmba Canada, the Scholarship Program provides continued education funding for well over 100 exceptional children who would otherwise have no possibility of higher education above the standard grade 8. A few of these students earn the privilege of attending high school, while others are supported to attend a vocational school.

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